Funky Flora shabby

Sunday, February 3, 2013

New Tricks

*Author note: this is Jenny. I had to use Taylor's account so the videos would work...

Carson has been learning so fast lately! I can hardly keep up with him. 
There are probably a hundred things he learned this week, 
here are some of those things we were able to catch on camera:

Elephant Sound:

Lots of Walking:

Whatever this is:

Lots of Eating:

Ear Wiggle:

Oh man, that last one is the cutest! He also learned a monkey sound (ah, ah) and a sheep sound (ba, ba). Yes, a lot of these noises he could already make, he's just learning to associate them with animals. One of my favorite things is that he takes his dirty diapers to the trash!- what a good helper! We just love him, and can't wait to see what next week brings! 


  1. Oh these are so cute!!Keep the videos coming please! :)

  2. Ah I love these! I would be so happy if our baby was even half as cute as Carson. :)

    1. Thanks, Elise! You know, Cammie says Carson looks like your baby pictures :) We can't wait to meet your little one!

    2. it's true! I love them all, especially the ear wiggling one and the 'ba ba ba' head-banging one.

  3. Awesome videos! Carson is adorable!

  4. hey Jenny, I nominated you for a blog award. :) congrats! details on my blog. I won't be offended if you don't follow through with the "rules," I just did and it took um...FOREVER. love you guys!

    1. Thanks, Cammie!! Yeah, I gotta be honest probably won't get around to it. But it was fun to read! Hopefully we'll get to see you guys soon, love you!
