Funky Flora shabby

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Things I Don't Teach Carson

I remember when my niece was little she called her freckles, "sprinkles." And we all thought it was so cute. And I remember my sister being a little annoyed when someone corrected her and she stopped calling them sprinkles and has forever since called them freckles. Kids grow up and words sort themselves out, but why rush them when they're just learning to talk?

Here are some times when I don't correct Carson:

  • He says "chickenmunk" instead of chipmunk. 
  • He gets excited to ride the "alligator" (elevator).
  • When he saw these pictures I put on his wall, he said, "Jesus givin' me a hug!" It was the most adorable thing, and I would never tell him the child in the picture wasn't him.
  • He says "Ready, Set, Hike!" Instead of ready, set, go. I DO blame Taylor for that, but I don't correct Carson because I think it's cute.
  • When we watch Disney movies and the castle comes up at the beginning he says, "A temple!" And why not? It looks like a temple anyway.
I'm so glad Carson is at an age where he's talking a lot and learning so fast. I'm also glad he's not at an age where kids would make fun of him for saying something wrong so I can keep smiling at his little misnomers. Here are some other cute things he's said/done:
  • He started saying, "Need the camera, so cute!" when he feels like he's doing something camera worthy. Like this face:

 Or this face:

We were on our way to church last week when from the back seat he notified me of a need for the camera. Luckily, it was in my bag, because when I got it out he made this cutest face:
  • Lately when we've been getting Carson up in the morning or after a nap he says, "I'm so happy." I don't know where he got it, but it's adorable. Another thing he says sometimes is, "Mommy? (or Daddy?) Are you awake?" Which is funny considering we're walking into his room, but he got it from Taylor who would always say, "Carson? Are you awake?" when he'd get him up.

  • He loves the aquarium and has for months been quoting the dolphin show ("From the deep, it will rise" "Higher, higher, raise it higher.") But in the last couple months he's also made friends with the penguins and tries to feed them pretzels. One day we went right before they got fed and the penguins would actually follow him and his pretzels occasionally diving at the glass for a bite.

Apparently, it was cute enough that even random strangers wanted to document it:

Anyway, we love our Carson. We're so proud of how much he's learning and the cute, funny things he says and does. We really love being his parents and are excited about adding another little boy to our family.

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