Funky Flora shabby

Friday, August 8, 2014

Teeth and stuff: An update on Nolan

Nolan has two teeth! They just broke through last week and I can't believe it. I really tried to get a picture of them. I tried:

And tried:

And tried. This is the best I could do:
You may have to wait til they're more visible. Until then, I'll keep posting terrible pictures :)

He is seven months old now and practically grown up. He started saying, "mama" which is the cutest thing ever and even though he probably doesn't know what it means, I'm totally claiming being the favorite parent while I can. 

He loves eating and trying new foods.

 He pushes up on his hands and pulls his knees under him to crawl, but doesn't coordinate the movements enough to ever actually be on all fours. He is still so chill and easy going, though he didn't love getting his teeth. 

Here's a good photobomb from Carson...

"I could do this all day."

One hand!

Ok, you get the idea. He's so cute. And of course he loves his brother!

Just found this old one. I guess they've always been friends.

Seriously, these boys are so darling together. I can't believe they are already such good friends, I love it! (Also something I'm enjoying while I can)

Another thing I love about Nolan is how much he loves Taylor. He's always looking around for him and he just stares and smiles when he finds him. Complete adoration. I don't blame him, it's what I would do too if I wasn't afraid of looking like a doofus, but for Nolan it's cute. I caught this cute candid of an interesting game of peek-a-boo the other day:

So, there's a little update on Nolan. He's growing so fast, it will be outdated soon. He's a keeper :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness he is so cute we love him so much and your blog is great xoxo
